Middleware configuration

Middleware configuration

Rewrite the URL to hide the locale

You might have noticed that by default, next-international redirects and shows the locale in the URL (e.g /en/products). This is helpful for users, but you can transparently rewrite the URL to hide the locale (e.g /products).

Navigate to the middleware.ts file and set the urlMappingStrategy to rewrite (the default is redirect):

// middleware.ts
const I18nMiddleware = createI18nMiddleware(
  locales: ['en', 'fr'],
  defaultLocale: 'fr',
  urlMappingStrategy: 'rewrite'

Override the user's locale resolution

If needed, you can override the resolution of a locale from a Request, which by default will try to extract it from the Accept-Language header. This can be useful to force the use of a specific locale regardless of the Accept-Language header. Note that this function will only be called if the user doesn't already have a Next-Locale cookie.

Navigate to the middleware.ts file and implement a new resolveLocaleFromRequest function:

// middleware.ts
const I18nMiddleware = createI18nMiddleware(
  locales: ['en', 'fr'],
  defaultLocale: 'fr',
  resolveLocaleFromRequest: request => {
    // Do your logic here to resolve the locale
    return 'fr'